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How Stitching Cute
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 4 reviews
 by Rita

I purchased a half-dozen bibs. They arrived quickly, wrapped beautifully, and appreciated instantly. Each item was meticulously sewn, made from a material that will get even softer with use. I was proud to present them to my neice at her shower.

 by Angela Bontya Huskins

Thank you so much Sandrie Dieujuste for these adorable bibs! I love the snaps rather than Velcro because Velcro sticks to everything in the wash and it eventually wears out. The snaps are great and adjustable since there are two snaps on each side. So practical!! Thank you!! 😃

 by Arlene Schlobohm

I recently ordered homemade burp pads with really cute fabrics. My daughter is going to love them when her baby girl comes in October. They were made very well. I'm thrilled with them. Sometimes it's the little things in life that make you happy. These pads are one of the little things.

 by tellitmommyreviews

the name says it all, how stitching cute are these burp cloths? my son has acid reflux and always throws up on my shoulder during his burping. We had burp cloths from walmart and they seemed to always be too small, so I was excited when I opened these. They are amazing size. They are stitched so perfect and the fabric is so soft. what makes it even better is the fact that it is double sided, there is a different fabric on the backside, so it's like two different burp cloths in one.

There is one in my diaper bag now, lol i cannot go out without this.
i highly suggest this to all new moms.